So I did it. That's why I've also ignored several things that would have needed my attention, like, oh well, school. The story is still not finished, and I'm already going on 60 000 words (when it's ready and edited it'll be available for those who understand Finnish, no way am I going to translate all that shit). I achieved 50K on Thursday 25th, and when I typed my 50 000th word I was in a pub with some friends (who are also fellow Wrimos (which obviously means NaNoWriMo participants)). We all started cheering like mad, as I'd written nearly 4000 words that day already and everybody was getting tired with my whining. Strangers in nearby tables started cheering and applauding as well. My friend had adopted his friend's old, huge, heavy typewriter and he had it out because he wanted to try it out. People in the next table were whispering "look at this mad bloke he's got an effing typewriter with him in a pub". I don't know why it's so funny. It was a great day, and I didn't even have any money to buy alcohol, no wait...
So I don't have much else to say. I haven't been doing anything else all month. I did "find" this Finnish band Happoradio while spotifying (IT'S A WORD) during one of my long and tiring NaNo-evenings. I have known them for ages and listened to like five of their songs, but for some reason I never went further. Now Happoradio is practically everything I've been listening to all month (although I'm now listening to Eggs Are Funny as I'm currently up for some Mew loving).
Now it's time to worry about upcoming concerts, like my voice teacher's christmas concert where I'll be singing about death and hapless love (I've not prepared well enough, but as my dad says, ten minutes of shame can save you hours of practice), christmas presents (as I'm broke, and apparently giving people stuff on the day our Lord was born is the only way to show I care) and MY NEW JOB (I'll be starting right after christmas, after which I hopefully won't be so terribly broke all the time). I wish everyone a brilliant December, loads of snow (<3) and proper christmas spirit. And also, on the 6th, kiss a Finn as we're cute and it's our Independence Day! Happy birthday Finland!

P.S. I had a dream where I wrote Remus and Dumbledore to have an affair. It was weird, especially as they were really cute and all. I definitely won't be writing that.
P.P.S. Don't you just love that jolly Voldie up there? My Remus' dear boyfriend is really pleasing the Dark Lord. XDD
P.P.P.S. Also, don't you just love love love how funny I've become?
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